The Post-Durban and Rio+20 Civil Society Organizations Preparatory Workshop
By The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance
Limbe Declaration
In the city of Limbe, Republic of Cameroon, on 6 March 2012, We, Delegates of African Civil Society Organisations, in this workshop of post Durban assessment and Rio plus 20 preparations which was organised and hosted by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance.
Click here to read the preamble to the declaration.
Proposals and abstracts
1. As the concept of green economy has found its way into international debate and is taking a prominent position, it must be unpacked to make it understandable to African governments and its people before being sanctioned. It should not be used as a tool to distract or slow down the right to development for African countries.
2. It is necessary to identify the tools and costs of green economy and ensure that it is not being imposed by foreign interests that are avoiding the historical responsibilities.
3. It must serve as a vehicle to deliver a low carbon growth for Africa and hence must facilitate transfer of appropriate green technology from developed industrialized countries to Africa. It must also take cognizance of Africa’s renewable energy endowment as an asset.
4. Must ensure that actions towards green economy do not increase social inequalities and that revenues generated out of investment in Africa benefit the African people and contribute to poverty reduction. Green economy must not be green business that only benefits corperates interests to the detriment of the African peoples.
5. Green Economy in Africa must address the underlying structural limitations that always put women and vulnerable groups in the disadvantaged position. Women and other marginalized groups, therefore, should directly benefit from the transition to green economy and be seen as key players in the architecture of the green economy rather than the victims.
6. Green economy must not exacerbate negative environmental impacts such as encroaching of biodiversity, environmental degradation, monoculture cropping, land grabing and invasion that threatens food security and sovereignty. It must take into account precautionary principles as well as the need to undertake SEA and EIA before affirming
7. In order to promote conservation of ecosystems environmental governance in Africa must encourage recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples, secure tenure, empowers them with management and access to their traditional land. As key rights holders who have been stewards over natural resources for generations, they must be integrally involved in discussions and decisions concerning their environment.
8. That for Environmental Governance to be a reality, citizens should be involved at all levels of decision making at national and International levels.
9. That African governments should accelerate the implementation of Principle 10 of Rio Declaration first by implementing the UNEP Guidelines and also adopt with an African convention on Principle 10.