People's Summit Rio+20: Mobilizations, let’s get together in June 5th and 20th

People's Summit
Date de la référence: 
24 April, 2012

Mobilization will be a central aspect of the People’s Summit. We, the movements and social organizations, must mobilize on our scopes of reference, on a coordinated and articulated way.
The 5th and 20th of June will be marked by local and global actions. We need the world to know our messages. With that in mind, the Summit invites organizations, groups, networks and people from everywhere in Brazil and in the world to get together in manifestations and actions during these days.
Let’s get together in Rio, in your region, in your city, in your community in order to:
Expose and report the structural causes of the crisis and the false solutions that their own creators want to impose in order to refound capitalism. We ought to expose and denounce them.
Promote the real solutions comig from the People to erradicate the social, economic and environmental injustice. We ought to render visible our propposals and gain support for them.
Render visible the struggles of our communities against the advance of capital on our lifes; on the cities, on the countryside, on the seaside, wherever.
Move forward on the articulation of those struggles turns out essential so as to progress on the construction of People’s power. Internazionalize the struggle for shifting the system;articulating, coordinating the local struggles.
The June 5th will be marked by mobilizations in Rio and other cities and communities to press our governments, illustrating that we will not accept false solutions to the crisis and that we will give support to our proposals. We must show them we are watching out.
The June 20th will be the Global Action Day, with mobilizations everywhere around the world for social and environmental justice, against the commodification of life and nature and in defense of the commons.
Register your organization on the Mobilization Group:
